

Jekyll + Papers as a research knowledge base


Jekyll + Papers as a research knowledge base



Getting started

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Run jekyll serve in the directory
  3. Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser

Exporting bibliography (DO THIS FIRST)

  1. In Papers, File > Export... > BibTeX Library
  2. Save as lib.bib in the root directory with the default settings

Unfortunately you'll have to do this any time there are updates to your Papers bibliography. You can see a citation entry in the path /ref/citekey.html replacing "citekey" with the Papers 2 citekey.

Adding posts

See http://jekyllrb.com for information about using Jekyll. Within your posts, you can create a link to a citation using {% cite citekey %}. Replacing "citekey" with the Papers citekey (which can be inserting using Paper's ctrl, ctrl shortcut if enabled).

Adding highlights

  1. In Papers, File > Export... > Notes
  2. Save as highlights.txt in the root directory with the "Plain text" format

Adding notes

Create a file notes/citekey.md based on the Papers citekey.