A tool generates static website base on Emacs and org mode, like octopress, jekyll.
Homepage: http://sydi.org
Requires: Emacs 24+
WARNING: The repository hasn't developed done, there are many hard coded variable in some places. I'll move them and make it a convenient usage very soon.
First, you should clone out this repository.
git clone https://github.com/ryzzn/sydi-site.git
Then, custom variables to fit your need, which now is located at header lines of sydi-site.el file.
Last step, initialize website
./run.sh init
From now on, you can enjoy your org file editing, blablabla...
Once you think it's time to see what the site is like after previous blablabla, i.e. editing, then you can type these two command in your shell terminal.
./run.sh test
The first command without any arguments means generate org file to HTML file, also some other miscellaneous will publish to the HTML directory. And the second command with argument of "test" will start a simple web server, by python module, then start your web browser that locate to your HTML directory where you can take a real look at your modification of the site. It's excellent simple, isn't it?