A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.


A modern simple static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll.

Originally forked from Sproogen's work, as it appears to be abandoned, I detached the fork and veered off in my own direction with it going forward by removing everything I didnt need or want. (like native Docker support and the old V1 stuff)

Installation & setup guide

This template is designed to be hosted using GitHub or compatable "pages" platform using Jekyll.

Step 1 - Download Resume Template

Download and extract the following zip into the git repository you have just created.

Step 2 - Push it

Commit and push the resume template to github

git add --all
git commit -m "Initial resume setup"
git push -u origin master

Step 5 - Deploy it

Deploy it to your preferred place, like github pages, or in my case for now CloudFlare pages.



This will contain all the of the main configuration for your resume such as your name, email, social media links and about me content. It also contains all the content for your resume.
A full example of the _config.yml can be found here


The main content for you resume will all come under the content property in the _config.yml file. This can be quite complex and a good understanding on YAML will be helpful here.

Content will contain an array of sections, there are currently 2 types of layouts for content sections, text and list.

text is a basic layout that contains markdown content.
list is a the standard layout that is used for things like Education and Experience.

Below is a the full list of content options.

  - title: Section Name
    layout: list (options: list, text)
      - layout: left (options: left, right, top, top-right, top-middle)(default: left)
        title: Name of item (eg. Company or Project name)
        sub_title: Sub title (eg. Qualification or Job title)(optional)
        caption: Item caption (eg. Employment or course dates)(optional)
        link: Web link (eg.
        link_text: Text for link (optional: without this link will show URL as link text)
        additional_links: (optional)
          - title: Link name
            icon: Font Awesome brand icon name (eg. fab fa-twitter) (
            url: Link url (eg.
        quote: >
          Short overview or quote for the item
        description: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
          Main content area for the list item.
  - title: Section Name
    layout: text (options: list, text)
    content: | # this will include new lines to allow paragraphs
      This is where you can write a little more about yourself. You could title this section **Interests** and include some of your other interests.

      Or you could title it **Skills** and write a bit more about things that make you more desirable, like *leadership* or *teamwork*

Note: The description or content areas (fields starting with | #) use markdown, this means that you have the ability to format the section in many different ways and add things such as images, code & syntax highlighting and tables. You can find a good Markdown cheatsheet here

If you would like to add more than the predefined social links in the config file, then you can use the additional_links field to add as many additional links with urls and font awesome icons as you wish.

Dark Mode

Dark mode is configured via _config.yml

darkmode: true (options: true, false, never)

When dark mode is true the site will show the dark theme for everyone
When dark mode is false the site will not show the dark theme, but it will still respect the users device preferences
When dark mode is never the site will never be shown in the dark theme

Heading Anchors

You can link to section titles using a Markdown anchor link, e.g.: [About me](#about-me). The link after the # is the slug version of the title.


Add any css changes or additions you want to make here after the line @import 'modern-resume-theme';

Running locally

Before you start make sure you have Ruby and the gems for Jekyll installed locally. You can find out how to do that here.

  1. Clone your resume repository locally (if you haven't already)
  2. cd [your-repository-name]
  3. bundle install
  4. bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. Open your browser to http://localhost:4000

Any changes you make will automatically build and you will be able to see these by refreshing your browser.

Note: You will need to re-run bundle exec jekyll serve to see changes made in _config.yml.