

A Python script that makes migrating from WordPress to Jekyll as painless as possible


A Python script that makes migrating from WordPress to Jekyll as painless as possible.

I wrote this script after going through the painful process of manually migrating my WordPress blog to Jekyll because no existing migration tools met my needs.


This CLI script takes a WordPress export XML file and:

  • Downloads all media content from the WordPress blog
  • Converts pages and posts from HTML to Markdown with html2text
  • Replaces media URLs in the Markdown content to the new relative URIs
  • Includes useful information in the Jekyll Front Data YAML

How is this different than the Jekyll Exporter Wordpress plugin?

wp2jekyll does a few things that Jeyll Eporter WordPress plugin by Ben Balter does not:

  • By default, wp2jekyll will retain the existing permalink of posts and pages, so incoming links don't break.
  • Rather than just dumping all WordPress post metadata to YAML in the Front Data, wp2jekyll only retains items useful for SEO (i.e, the featured image and Yoast metadata), and maps them to variable names that are expected by many Jekyll themes. This makes the Front Data much cleaner and useful.
  • By default, wp2jekyll adjusts image/attachment URLs to be relative to the assets directory.
  • wp2jekyll keeps a copy of the original post HTML outside of the Jekyll build path so you can look at that in case the Markdown conversion botched some content.

Front Data

How the Front Data is used depends on the Jekyll theme in use. The Front Data generated by wp2jekyll is designed for use with the Chirpy theme, but many other themes use the same variable names, so it should work as-is for other themes too.

Variable Description
layout The layout to use (i.e., post, or page)
permalink Sets the URI of the post or page so it matches the WordPress one
title The post title
seo_title The SEO title from Yoast SEO - not currently used by any Jekyll theme
description The description from the WordPress or Yoast SEO description fields
date The GMT timestamp of the post or page in YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM SS -0000 format
last_modified_at The GMT modification timestamp of the post or page in YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM SS -0000 format
Path to the featured image and optional alt text
publish Sets if the post or page is published (True or False)
pin Sets if the post or page is pinned (True or False)
categories A list of categories
tags A list of tags


  • _data/authors.yaml - A mapping of WordPress login names to display names
  • _assets/wp-content/uploads - Files uploaded to WordPress
  • _posts/ - Posts converted to Markdown format
  • _pages/ - Pages converted to Markdown format
  • _wp_html/pages - WordPress content in the original HTML
  • _wp_html/posts - WordPress content in the original HTML


Python >= 3.2

Install the Python dependencies before using wp2jekyll.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Navigate to Tools> Export in the WordPress admin console to export the WordPress blog content to XML.

Pass the path to this file to wp2jekyll, along with any desired options.

For example:

python3 wp2jekyll.py seanthegeeknet.WordPress.2024-08-12.xml

Known issues when converting to Markdown

wp2jekyll uses html2text to convert the WordPress HTML content to Markdown. It's not perfect. Here are some issues I ran into.

No nested tables

Markdown does not support nested tables, but Markdown does support HTML inside of a Markdown document. If you have a document with a nested table, replace the entire (i.e., outer) table with the HTML in the original post or page.

iframe tags are removed

In HTML, iframe tags are used to embed content from other websites, such as YouTube. You will unfortunately need to copy and paste iframe content from the original HTML into the Markdown document.

No oEmbed support

WordPress supports oEmbed, which allows a post author to embed social media content just by placing the URL in the post body. oEmbed takes care of generating the HTML to actually embed that content. Unfortunately, Jekyll does not support oEmbed, and plugins that add oEmbed support have not been maintained to be compatible with modern Jekyll.

So, look for social media URLs that are on their own, and replace them with the proper HTML. The social media networks will provide the embed HTML as a sharing option.

CLI help

usage: wp2jekyll.py [-h] [--version] [--output OUTPUT] [--include-author] [--no-downloads] [--no-url-rewrites] [--no-permalinks] xml_path

positional arguments:
  xml_path           the path to the WordPress export XML file

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          show program's version number and exit
  --output OUTPUT    the directory to output to (default: .)
  --include-author   include the author in the Front Data (default: False)
  --no-downloads     do not attempt to download media files (default: False)
  --no-url-rewrites  do not rewrite media URLs (default: False)
  --no-permalinks    do not retain the original permalinks (default: False)
  --no-cleanup       do not clean up the converted Markdown content (default: False)