

Sample blog website built in Jekyll static site generator, using headless CMS Kentico Kontent as a content repository and kontent-jekyll plugin for content and data import.

Jekyll Blog

Sample blog website built in Jekyll static site generator, using headless CMS Kentico Kontent as a content repository and kontent-jekyll plugin for content and data import.

Find live sample project here.

How to run

Steps 1 and 3 require administrator privileges.

  1. Install Ruby (v2.6.3+) with DevKit and RubyGems. You need to have MSYS2 on your system if you are using Windows and it can be installed via DevKit. Choose 3rd option in the DevKit console installer to install MSYS2 and MINGW development toolchain.
  2. Clone or download the repository.
  3. Install dependencies: gem install jekyll kontent-jekyll bundler:2.0.1 and confirm overriding the bundler version installed with Ruby env
  4. Install gems in source folder: bundle update
  5. Create an account on Kentico Kontent.
    1. Optionally you can create a new clean project.
  6. Go to Project settings > API keys.
  7. Activate Management API
  8. Set project_id in _config.yml to your Project ID from API keys page.
  9. Initialize Kentico Kontent sample content
    1. In your KK project open Settings, then Localization. Click Default project language and rename codename to en-US
    2. Create new language with codename en-GB
    3. Open KK Template Manager
    4. Copy your Content Management API key and Project Id
    5. Check 'Publish language variants after import'
    6. Upload KK_sample_content.zip
    7. Click on 'Import data'
  10. Once the import is finished execute bundle exec jekyll build to build or bundle exec jekyll serve to build and run your site.

Custom configuration

You can learn more on the plugin's wiki.

Feedback & Contributing

Check out the contributing page to see the best places to file issues, start discussions, and begin contributing.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Kontent-Jekyll project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

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