

Convert goodreads book reviews into jekyll posts


This repo contains two scripts for migrating Goodreads book reviews into Jekyll.

  • goodreads-api-to-jekyll.php - A PHP script which used the now-deprecated API to create Jekyll files.
  • - A Python 3 script which uses CSV exports from Goodreads to create Jekyll files.

The repo is highly customized to my own personal website, and is probably not suitable (out of the box) for yours. However, it should not be very difficult to adjust for your own setup.

  1. Login to Goodreads
  2. Export your library by going to My Books > Import/Export and clicking "Export Library". It should take a few moments, and then you can click a link to download the file.
  3. Once you have the requested download, save it as goodreads_library_export.csv in the same folder as
  4. Create a folder called reviews in the same folder as
  5. Run docker run -it --volume="$PWD:/src" --rm python:3 python /src/
  6. Move the generated reviews in reviews/*.md into your own website's Jekyll collection, in my case this command looks something like mv reviews/*.md ~/website/_bookreviews.
  7. Push the new reviews up to your website! (In my case, this command is something like cd ~/website ; git add . ; git commit -sm 'Add reviews)

The code is pretty quick-and-dirty, and doesn't really obey typical SOLID principles. It gets the job done for me, but if you'd like to improve it, you're more than welcome! I'm happy to collaborate, contributions highly encouraged.

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