

Fabricam is an instant website tool compiled with Jekyll and backed by Instagram.


Fabricam is an instant website tool compiled with Jekyll and backed by Instagram.



Clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:Fabricatorz/fabricam.git
cd fabricam
git submodule init
git submodule update

Copy the sample config file:

cp _config-sample.yml _config.yml

Edit your new _config.yml and fill in values for your site title, description and keywords. You can add a Google Analytics code or delete that line to leave it out. The Instagram configuration allows you to choose a single tag, specify an API Client ID, enable or disable captions, limit the number of photos displayed, and set the feed refresh (in milliseconds). There is also a hashTag options. If set to true, the tag will be taken from the URL, like `http://example.com/#tag'.


You can add your own CSS rules to the css/custom.css file. Also, any content you add to index.html will be included on your site when it is compiled.


Finally, compile your site by running the jekyll build command. Your finished site will be available in the _site directory.

Saving your work

Be sure to check in your config file and any other files you customized:

git add _config.yml index.html css/custom.css
git commit -m "Made my own site"

If you have a Github account, you can create a new repository, add it as a remote and push your changes there. You should probably also change or rename your remote to "origin".


If you have a Github account, you can make your site live using Github Pages. After you are done customizing and committing your changes, push your code to the gh-pages branch.

git push origin master:gh-pages

If you check your repository settings page, Github will tell you the public URL of your new site.