

Multilingual template for Jekyll


This is a fork from treat-jekyll-template of CloudCannon

Multilingual Food/baking blog template for Jekyll. Browse through a live demo.

You can follow ISO language codes for language setting.


  1. Add your site details and change pagination setting in _config.yml.
  2. Add lang: and ref: in front matter for the pages and post that are multilingual.
    • ref: : assign the pages to the same ref value e.g. /zh/index.html and /index.html both have ref: index in front matter.
  3. Add you second language pages to root directory e.g. /zh
  4. Add your second language posts to e.g. _posts/zh .
  5. Add your details to _data/sidebar.yml
  6. Add your details to _data/navigation.yml
  7. Get a workflow going to see your site's output (with Jekyll locally).

Create a cooking blog multilingual website from scratch

  1. Have a look at the template treat-jekyll-template, which explains how the template works.
  2. Clone the repo: git clone
  3. Open the folder: cd treat-jekyll-template-multilingual
  4. Remove which is useless outside this repository
  5. Build the website: jekyll build
  6. Upload only the _site folder to github pages as this instruction

P.S. github does not allow jekyll-multiple plugin so the site need to build locally and be uplaoded.


  • multilingual pagination
  • multilingual posts
  • multilingual pages
  • customised SEO script for posts