

A h5bp equipped scaffold for developing a Jekyll website with grunt and bower.

Jekyll Grunt Kickass

A h5bp equipped scaffold for developing a Jekyll website with grunt and bower.


  • Clone this repo
  • Rename remote origin to jekyll-grunt-kickass:
    git remote rename origin jekyll-grunt-kickass
  • Rename master branch to jekyll-grunt-kickass:
    git branch -m master jekyll-grunt-kickass
  • Checkout new master branch for developing your site with this toolset:
    git checkout -b master
  • Develop your app and commit to your repo.

Grunt Tasks

  • serve
    build dev version (jekyll & copy src) and serve with livereload on any change
  • serve:dist
    build dist version and serve it without livereload
  • build
    build dist version (jekyll & usemin).
  • deploy:tunneled
    build und rsync zu in _config.deploy.yml konfiguriertem Ziel
  • deploy:tunneled
    build und rsync via tunnel.