

Jekyll boilerplate theme with properly integrated Bootstrap 4

Jekyll Bootstrap 4 + Browserify Boilerplate

Starter boilerplate project for Jekyll with Bootstrap 4 and Browserify.


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Install Jekyll:

gem install jekyll bundler

Install bundle dependencies:

bundle install

Jekyll server (CTRL+C to stop)

jekyll serve

By default the site will be available at

But if you want to have it at the root like, set the baseurl at _config.yml to an empty string:

baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog

Buid assets

To build front-end assets: stylesheets and javascript, run:

npm run build

To run full build (assets and newly generated HTML with Jekyll:

npm run build:full

To check changes at source .scss and .js files and automatically re-generated files, use the watch script:

npm run watch

Welcome to explore the scripts section at the package.json file to find out what is included to the scripts.

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