

Jekyll Course Website: Spring 2016 offering of STARS: Service Learning Course

Service Learning Course at UNCC

This is the source for both the UNC Charlotte CS 3211/12 and CS 1610/3610: Service Learning Courses Websites.

Course material is written with Jekyll and deployed on GitHub Pages.


Contributions are welcome (and accepted pull requests from students in the course count for extra credit!). I recommend the Atlassian (Jira and Bitbucket) or Github tutorials if you aren't familiar with git.

An appropriate pull request might be fixing a broken link, correcting a typo, updating an incorrect date, or even adding content such as relevant videos.


Thank you to David Bindel for the inspiration. Some code was borrowed from his course website under the Creative Commons License. Consequently, we maintain this license. Thank you to Mike Wooster for the video player jQuery plugin.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.