

Simple conference website jekyll template

Checkout the demo here:

Simple Conf Website

Jekyll template for creating simple conference websites. Based on Minimal theme.


Creating a banner

Write the text for the banner between the following tags:

{% include start-banner.html %}

<!-- Banner text here -->

{% include end-banner.html %}

Note: Text inside a banner needs to be formatted using HTML (e.g., <a href="">...</a> for links.)

Shows up as:

Create a new <div></div> element with the unix timestamps:

<div class="time-fmt-local" data-start="1652374800" data-duration="3600" data-show-timezone-link="true"></div>


  1. data-start: UNIX timestamp when the event starts
  2. data-duration: Event length in seconds
  3. data-show-timezone-link: Bool to toggle link

Shows up as:

Creating an embedded YouTube Player

Create an embedded YT player with width 420px and 16:9 aspect ratio using the following tags:

{% include start-embedded-yt.html %}
{% include end-embedded-yt.html %}

Shows up as (when loading):

Shows up as (when loaded):

Creating a new event

Jekyll automatically collects events from the pages/events directory and organizes them into future, past and current events.

To create a new event, create a new markdown file under pages/events with the following content:

title: Event's title
layout: default
categories: past-event
when-happened: Some date here
when-happened-epoch: 1640075647 <!-- UNIX epoch, used for sorting -->
preview-img: assets/img/calm-kickoff/yt_thumbnail.jpg <!-- Preview image for events page listing -->

<!-- Markdown content for the event here -->

Each event should have only one of the following categories tag:

  1. past-event: Listed under "Past Event"
  2. cur-event: Listed under "Current Events"
  3. future-event: Listed under "Upcoming Events"

Creating new tab page (navigation item)

  1. Create a new markdown file in pages/ directory that starts with the following content: ```yml

title: "Page title here" layout: default categories: "navigation" order: 4

2. Make sure the `categories` field is set to navigation. Use the `order` field
   to set the relative order of the navigation items.

## Customizing

### Configuration variables

Minimal will respect the following variables, if set in your site's `_config.yml`:

title: [The title of your site]
description: [A short description of your site's purpose]

Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables:

logo: [Location of the logo]
show_downloads: ["true" or "false" to indicate whether to provide a download URL]
google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID]