

Generate responsive images in Jekyll from pure markdown, without any Liquid tags. Uses jekyll_picture_tag

Generate responsive images in Jekyll from pure markdown, without any Liquid tags. A simple wrapper around jekyll_picture_tag.

⚠️ Warning: this is alpha-level software, with several problems and no formal tests. See TODOs below ⚠️

Installation and usage

Install libvips. (For example, with Homebrew brew vips should suffice, or on Ubuntu apt install libvips libvips-tools. Note that if you use a deployment or CI service, these dependencies will be required there as well).

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

group :jekyll_plugins do
    # other jekyll plugins
    gem 'jekyll-markdown-responsive-image', github: 'tadamcz/jekyll-markdown-responsive-image'

Run bundle install. That's it! You don't need to configure anything or modify your source files.


All configuration is optional.

To override the configuration that is passed to jekyll_picture_tag, you must supply a _data/picture.yml file (docs) and define the jmri preset. For example:

# _data/picture.yml
    widths: [400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000]
    formats: [ webp, jpeg ]
      webp: 75
    dimension_attributes: true

Any keys that are not provided will use the jekyll_picture_tag default preset.

How it works

At build time, uses regular expressions to replace your markdown ![Alt](/path/to/img.jpg) with {% jmri jmri /path/to/img.jpg alt=\"Alt\" %}. The gem jekyll_picture_tag then does the rest.

TODO, PRs welcome!

  • add tests
  • do not match markdown image tags that are inside code blocks, which is obviously undesirable.
  • [maybe?] respect (some?) kramdown extensions such as inline attribute lists
  • decide what to do about markdown inside HTML blocks (e.g. see Kramdown)
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