

Jekyll + Twitter Bootstrap + FontAwesome + DataTables = FUN

Jekyll plus Twitter Bootstrap plus FontAwesome == FUN

This is a template I extracted from my current [blog] to be useful in setting up new jekyll sites.

The twitter bootstrap and fontawesome files are included in this template, and are compiled by jekyll during the build step.


The repo is it's own demo! View on github pages as


If you want to customize bootstrap, modify the source/_sass/bootstrap/_variables.scss file.

You can also add your own styles after bootstrap in imported, or modify existing bootstrap styles, etc., by modifying source/css/styles.scss.


You may first want to change the _config.yml file -- especially the baseurl value since it points to this repo's gh-pages.

There is a deployment script in script/ that by default assumes a _deploy directory in root that contains it's own .git subdirectory, and that the currently checked-out branch is the deployment branch. It's a pretty dumb shell script, modify as you like.


The template is already set up to use Jekyllpress templates. You should feel free to modify these to your needs, as well. I wrote Jekyllpress as well, and if you have ideas there, feel free to let me know!