

A Thor script that provides several actions to help support and use a Jekyll site.


A Thor script that provides several actions to help support and use a Jekyll site.


$ gem install jekyllpress


Setting Up Templates

If you don't have templates specified in your _config.yml file or in your source folder, you can create them with the setup action:

$ jekyllpress setup
Configuration file: /Volumes/muis1t/Projects/rubystuff/jekyll/test_jekyll_2.1/_config.yml
      create  _templates
      create  _templates/new_post.markdown
      create  _templates/new_page.markdown

You can edit the markdown templates to your heart's delight. :)

New Post

Creating a new post is done with:

$ jekyllpress new_post 'This is my new post!!' --categories=new really --tags=so what
Configuration file: /Volumes/muis1t/Projects/rubystuff/jekyll/test_jekyll_2.1/_config.yml
      create  _posts/2014-07-28-this-is-my-new-post.markdown

This creates a new file in _posts with the current date stamp, and contents as:

layout: post
title: This is my new post!!
date: 2014-07-28 01:15
categories: ["new", "really"]
tags: ["so", "what"]

New Page

Creating a new page is just as simple:

$ jekyllpress new_page "Some Page" --location=pages
Configuration file: /Volumes/muis1t/Projects/rubystuff/jekyll/test_jekyll_2.1/_config.yml
      create  pages/some-page/index.markdown

The content is:

layout: page
title: Some Page
date: 2014-07-28 01:17


The redirect command helps to create redirect links in a post's front matter in a way that can be used by the jekyll-redirect-from gem.

Getting Help

Actions and options can be seen by running jekyllpress with no paramters, or with the help action:

$ jekyllpress help
Jekyllpress::App commands:
  jekyllpress help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  jekyllpress new_page TITLE  # Create a new page with title TITLE
  jekyllpress new_post TITLE  # Create a new posts with title TITLE
  jekyllpress setup           # Set up templates
  jekyllpress version         # Display Jekyllpress::App version string

To see the options for new_post, enter:

$ jekyllpress help new_post
  jekyllpress new_post TITLE

  -c, [--categories=one two three]  # list of categories to assign this post
  -t, [--tags=one two three]        # list of tags to assign this post

Create a new post with title TITLE
  • categories and tags are arrays. Give each category or tag item after the parameter.
  • The equals sign after the option name is ... optional.

To see the options for new_page, enter:

$ jekyllpress help new_page
  jekyllpress new_page TITLE

  -l, --loc, [--location=LOCATION]  # Location for page to appear in directory

Create a new page with title TITLE
  • the location option lets you specify a path down to where the page will live.
  • the location must be relative, and will placed starting from the source folder.


"Fork it, Branch it, Commit it, Push it"

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
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