

Adobe Lightroom Web Gallery for exporting into a Jekyll site

Web Gallery for Jekyll

jekyll.lrwebengine is a very basic web gallery for Adobe Lightroom to create photo galleries of Jekyll-based web sites. Instead of controlling the layout directly, this web gallery just creates a single index referencing the thumbnail and full-size images, expecting the gallery layout to do the heavy lifting.

It is meant as quick fix until I get around coding-up a proper LR/Jekyll plugin that can be used in a publish service (which may or may not happen, though).


To install the gallery, just clone the repository directly to your personal Web Galleries folder; ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Web Galleries on OSX, or %APPDATA%\Adobe\Lightroom\Web Galleries on Windows, respectively.


After installation, TG Jekyll Gallery should show up as a layout style in Lightroom's Web module and can be chosen just like any other module.

Once you have the photos for your gallery chosen, you can hit Export… and create a new subfolder for your Jekyll gallery.

To make the gallery work as expected, create a gallery Jekyll layout that processes the list of image links.

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