

A simple Jekyll filter plugin for selecting tagged site data


A Liquid filter for Jekyll that returns members of a collection where a specified field contains one or more elements of a CSV list


Copy the WhereContainsAny.rb file into your Jekyll site's plugins folder (usually /_plugins) and celebrate -- you're done!

Usage Details

Scenario: Filter a Liquid collection for items tagged with one or more of a selection of tags
  Given a "source" collection of items with a "tags" field
  Given a CSV string of tags to search for  
  When the filter is applied with these two arguments  
  Then the filter returns a collection of items where each item's "tags" field contains one or more of the searched-for tags

Usage example:

Given a "source" collection of items with a "tags" field


- name: The name of an example item
    tags: ruby, programming, examples

- name: The name of another item
    tags: markdown, ruby

- name: The name of a third item
    tags: programming, documentation, examples

Given a CSV string of tags to search for

"ruby, programming"

When the filter is applied with these two arguments

{{ | where_contains_any: "tags", "markdown, ruby" }}

Then the filter returns a collection of items where each item's "tags" field contains one or more of the searched-for tags

- name: The name of an example item
  tags: ruby, programming, examples
- name: The name of another item
  tags: markdown, ruby
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