

CI-based Jekyll implementation of Engineered Eloquence dot com

title: About permalink: /about/ categories: - meta


Hi, I’m Jay Ray. I once had a Tumblr blog that became the catchall for the things I preferred to share with my friends and others on the web. Although I enjoy link lists as a way to get my news and reading material each day, I was astounded, looking back, at how little of what I wrote and shared mattered to me after time had passed. In my hope to create something of value and a place where my writing could be separate from the other slough, Engineered Eloquence was born.

Engineered Eloquence began as a way for me to write out my thoughts and publish them somewhere with no ads, no monetization, just my thoughts and the reader. While I don’t have much time outside of my day-to-day work and home lives, I attempt to write long-form about once every week, sharing interesting items more often, so that my head doesn’t get too crowded with information more suited for the discussion board. In my site layout, I have attempted to use tagging to provide more focus to certain types of writing: long-form posts, shared links, and cooking thoughts and recipes. The links at the top of the site will direct you to focus on these areas based on the tags that go along with each post. There is potential for more focus areas in the future, as time and content dictates.

The site now runs on Blot. I transitioned from Tumblr—then again from GitHub Pages—because it stopped serving my needs, as I see them. GitHub provided me with a bit of a challenge (in starting from basically scratch), support, and flexibility without all the ads, social networking aspects, and spam of Tumblr. Blot provides the same with a bit more security (no one can just outright fork my blog and run it as their own) and ease of use. I don’t have comments on the site, but I have multiple links below to networks on which discussions may occur. I will always attempt to be honest, forthright, and willing to admit my own mistakes. I look forward to continuing the journey.

Follow and Contact

Email: jayray at engineeredeloquence dot com
Twitter: @JayRay
Twitter Feed: @EloquentFeed
GitHub: TheJayRay

The above content has been directly copied from
As I play with this site and test things out, changes will occur at

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