

Product landing page site seed with Jekyll and Firebase


Setup a simple one page product site with an email registration running on Google firebase and sending emails using Gmail, plus required cookie consent and privacy page for complience.

Note: Email sending is configured for service accounts which work with GSuite only.


  1. Jekyll static website - frontend for the product single page using HTML5 UP Spectral theme and adapted from
  2. Cookie consent generated from
  3. Firebase database for storing signup emails using Firebase sdk on website.
  4. Firebase functions: one to send confrimation emails on added signup; the second handles confirmation links.
  5. Nodemailer and Email templates are used to send confirmation mails via Gmail.


Firebase project

  1. Create a new Firebase project in or use an egzisting one
  2. Configure domain for your product (optional)
  3. Create Firebase database and add root object

Jekyll site configuration

  1. Configure jekyll:
  • _config.yml - main configuration
  • jekyll/_data/features.yml - feature blocks configuration
  • jekyll/_daya/spotlights.yml - spotlights configuration
    Update index.html or layouts to remove unused parts
  1. Go to Firebase project settings and setup web access to database
  2. Create to /jekyll/js/firebase.js and copy configuration to the file:
     var firebaseConfig = {
     apiKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
     authDomain: "",
     databaseURL: "",
     projectId: "your-project",
     storageBucket: "",
     messagingSenderId: "00000000000000000",
     appId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    add a collection name for signups like this:
     var config = {
       signupCollection: 'signups'
  3. Update privacy policy page jekyll/ (optional)
  4. run jekyll build to build or jekyll serve to test locally

Confirgure email sending using Google account

  1. Generate key for a default service account from Firebase console: settings > Project settings > Service accounts and click Generate new private key
  2. Create functions/src/service-key.json file and copy private key contents into it
  3. Go to Manage service account permissions
  4. Select a service account to which you have generated the key and click edit. Enable Domain wide delegation
  5. Enable gmail api for the project in Google cloud console
  6. Setup cloud functions environment parameters of a gmail account (user) which used to send emails and a sender email to be shown to receipients: firebase functions:config:set gmail.user="" gmail.sender="Sender Name <>"
  7. If your sender email is different than one of the user, set sending alias in Gmail > Settings > Accounts > Send as email
  8. You need to give permissions to the service account in GSuite admin. Go to Google Admin > Security > Settings > Advanced Settings > Manage API client access, enter Service Account Id (numbers) and API scopes -
  9. Change email templates to your liking in functions/src/emails/confirm folder.



jekyll build

firebase deploy


All code, but Jekyll templates are distributed under MIT license. Jekyll templates are distributed under CC v.3