

Skeleton repo to get started with jekyll in a vagrant box

S3 Jekyll Blog!

A vagrant encapsulated skeleton repository to build out a blog with jekyll and deploy it to amazon s3 with capistrano. The advantage is you can work on your blog on any machine that vagrant supports. Including Windows!

Environment Setup

  1. Install Virtualbox
  2. Install Vagrant

Blog Setup

  1. Fork and clone this repository
  2. In your clone on the command line run: vagrant up
  3. After the vagrant box comes up ssh into the box: vagrant ssh
  4. Go to the clone in vagrant: cd /vagrant
  5. Start up the jekyll preview: jekyll serve -w
  6. Preview your blog!

note: for information on jekyll and adding more posts please see the jekyll documenation

Deploy to S3

# example amazons3.yml
bucket: my_s3_bucket_name
access_key_id: my_s3_bucket_key_id
secret_access_key: my_s3_bucket_secret
  1. Create a file called amazons3.yml in the root of the clone
  2. Inside vagrant in the /vagrant build your blog: jekyll build
  3. In that same directory deploy your code: cap deploy