

A jekyll based site for my recipes.

This is my original site design. I like it, but I also like the card format as well. I'll have to see if there's some compromise design that satisfies both of my design cravings.


Set up the environment

  • Install jekyll as per the site instructions (I'm surprised the site isn't https).
  • I'm using Amazon's Cloud9 for development. The GUI doesn't permit up-to-date authentication with GitHub, but the command line does permit the appropriate access. So, when in doubt, use the CLI.
  • I'm using skeleton css for the basic formatting (also not secure - WTH!!).

    Create a basic card

  • I used this template for creating a card.
  • I had to remind myself of the difference between margins and padding to make the card look less crowded.
    • Still need to align the text within the lists a bit better.
    • Still need to verify that I'm creating checklists correctly for GitHub.

      Create a site header

  • Basic CSS
  • A basic article on color schemes.
  •, a color scheme generator site.
  • My chosen color scheme: ``` /* CSS HEX */

--white: #ffffffff; --turquoise-blue: #81f4e1ff; --vivid-sky-blue: #56cbf9ff; --french-pink: #ff729fff; --languid-lavender: #d3c4d1ff;

/* CSS HSL */ --white: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1); --turquoise-blue: hsla(170, 84%, 73%, 1); --vivid-sky-blue: hsla(197, 93%, 66%, 1); --french-pink: hsla(341, 100%, 72%, 1); --languid-lavender: hsla(308, 15%, 80%, 1);

/* SCSS HEX */ $white: #ffffffff; $turquoise-blue: #81f4e1ff; $vivid-sky-blue: #56cbf9ff; $french-pink: #ff729fff; $languid-lavender: #d3c4d1ff;

/* SCSS HSL */ $white: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 1); $turquoise-blue: hsla(170, 84%, 73%, 1); $vivid-sky-blue: hsla(197, 93%, 66%, 1); $french-pink: hsla(341, 100%, 72%, 1); $languid-lavender: hsla(308, 15%, 80%, 1);

/* SCSS RGB */ $white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); $turquoise-blue: rgba(129, 244, 225, 1); $vivid-sky-blue: rgba(86, 203, 249, 1); $french-pink: rgba(255, 114, 159, 1); $languid-lavender: rgba(211, 196, 209, 1);

/* SCSS Gradient */ $gradient-top: linear-gradient(0deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-right: linear-gradient(90deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-bottom: linear-gradient(180deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-left: linear-gradient(270deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-top-right: linear-gradient(45deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-bottom-right: linear-gradient(135deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-top-left: linear-gradient(225deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-bottom-left: linear-gradient(315deg, #ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff); $gradient-radial: radial-gradient(#ffffffff, #81f4e1ff, #56cbf9ff, #ff729fff, #d3c4d1ff);

## Add photo attribution
* [Rumman Amin from Unsplash](
* ~~[Footer CSS](
* Added the attribution to the image itself using [this tutorial](
## Clean CSS to match Skeleton, not Jekyll
* This was easy enough.  I just needed to point the css links in the header to `href` not `src`.

## List 3 recipes
* Done.  I also added top and bottom margins to the cards to create a better sense of space.
## Templatize Jekyll to allow for recipe publication
* This took a bit longer than I expected due to some markdown quirks, but I got it going.
* ~~[This site helped with css classes.](
* I'm handling the content with front matter in the individual recipe pages via YAML.
It provides more consistency in the layout.
* [This site]( and [this one](
helped me with YAML oddities.

## Add tags for recipes
* ~~This is going to [take]( some javascript if we want to keep the site static.~~
* We need to make sure we [join tags]( appropriately in the div class property.
* [This cheatsheet]( may also come in handy.
* [Another shopify API reference](
* Ultimately, I went with a custom function as written.  When hiding elements, it's important to keep in mind the difference between` and ``.  The former removes the element from the flow.  The latter just hides it.
* Writing the javascript, as usual, taught me something new.  I was unaware of the `sticky` element in CSS.  I also learned about JS use

## Add navigation functionality for the site
* Most of the tricks here should be encapsulated in the code, but [one site]( was particularly helpful.

## Add search
* Using [this site]( for the search autocomplete magic.
* I'm not currently attempting to tab from the search window to the list of available responses for perusal, but, in theory
I could start doing so with the `tabindex` property in CSS.

## Refactoring
* I've basically invalidated most of the comments above with my re-design.
* When adding a link to another recipe within the existing recipe MD, a relative `<a>` tag should suffice.
    * e.g. `<a href='my-new-recipe'>My New Recipe</a>`
* GH Pages gits needlessly confused with subdirectory magic.
    * [This link]( and
    [this link]( helped greatly.
* Straightening out relative links for subdirectories that are semi-deployed was extremely difficult.  Ultimately I was
able to get it working with the introduction of a `prefix:` property to `_config.yml` and the use of the collection's 
`slug` property.  Anything else seemed to introduce to much recursion in the collection path or too little.