

Website Template


Website Template

What is this?

Jekyll is a static site generator. This repo contains everything you need to quickly make a personal website. Follow the instructions here to set up a quick "flier" web page for yourself and push it to If you would like to go beyond a simple flier and build a portfolio webpage or even a blog, you will find guidance at the end.


The first thing you need to do is copy the files in this repository to your own computer. One way to do this is to use the Download ZIP button on the right-hand side of this page. (Those of you who use git and GitHub know all about the other way...). Now extract the files and open the folder that contains them.

When editing your site's files, a good text editor can mean the difference between fun and drudgery. If you don't already have a favorite editor, try Atom. It's free, powerful, and flexible.

1. Configuring Jekyll

Now that you have the files on your computer, it's time to start making them your own. Begin by opening the file named _config.yml in the main directory. This file contains the information Jekyll uses to configure itself.

Replace all the placeholders in the "Setup" section of _config.yml with your own values:

# Setup
title:            your-title
tagline:          your-tagline
baseurl:          / # change to /~uniqname/ for eecs.umich deploy
  name:           your-name
  url:            your-other-website
  email:          [email protected]

2. Making your flier

When people visit your website, the first page they see will be index.html. If you're like me, you would prefer not to edit raw HTML. Fortunately, Jekyll knows how to translate Markdown into HTML; all we need to do is write (Of course, we also wrote some HTML for you to make the navbar and basic layout. You can check it out in default.html and head.html if you're interested.)