A Jekyll template for quickly writing slides in markdown. Based on mdo's Lanyon Jekyll theme and hakimel's reveal.js HTML presentation framework.
This is an experimental release. Please pardon the mess.
Clone it
git clone [email protected]:ngoldman/jekyll-reveal.git slides
Create a slide
cd slides
touch _slides/prism-bloopers.md
$EDITOR _slides/prism-bloopers.md
title: Prism Bloopers
# Surveillance Lols!

haha we have fun here
## but seriously
Important: Edit _config.yml
to reflect wherever you'll be pushing this to.
Push to your new gh-pages repo
git commit -m 'prism bloopers'
git add origin [email protected]:NationalSecurityAgency/slides.git
git push origin gh-pages
Visit your new slides
Thanks to mdo & hakimel for all of their work creating great tools for internet people.