Personal website built from native jekyll with some improvisations in publications page.

This website can be deployed similar to the native jekyll template website. Feel free to fork it, change according to your needs and deploy in github pages.


The publications are extracted in the form of a table from the csv file saved as references.csv in _data folder. This list can either be downloaded from your google scholar profile or you can update your references in tabular form. A screenshot of the table can be seen in the image below. Further details can be found in my blogpost.

The finished publications page can be found here.

For now I am manually adding the years and the publications are sorted out automatically as conference proceedings and the journal article. The years, for now, have to be added manually, forgive my limited knowledge in coding. Furthermore, The DOI icon updates automatically if there is any DOI in the csv file. When I find time, I will provide the loop and the sorting will be carried out more conveniently.