

Migrating existing Joomla! site for Canadian musician, Art Bergmann, to Jekyll rendered static site.


Migrating existing Joomla! site for Canadian musician, Art Bergmann, to Jekyll rendered static site.

Helper commands

Bulk rename filenames in directory

qmv -A --format=destination-only

Add numbers to start of each line of text

%!nl -nrz -w2 -s'-'

Remove Joomla! importer front matter from lyrics pages

sed -i '4,8d' */*/lyrics/*.markdown

Change lyric pages' layouts to "page"

sed -i 's/layout: post/layout: page/g' */*/lyrics/*.markdown

Remove all remaining front matter and style title for lyrics

sed -i '1,2d;s/title: /##/;4d' */*/lyrics/*.markdown

Include lyrics in album page

ls -c lyrics/*.markdown | sort | awk '{print "{% include_relative " $0 " %}"}' >> index.markdown

Reformatting pages / posts using vim

Break monolithic one line articles on <br /> tag

:%s/<br \/>/^M/g

Note: The ^M is generated by CTRL-V + RETURN

Strip HTML tags


Trailing two spaces for markdown <br />

:%s/$/  /g

Remove non-breaking spaces that occupy a line


Remove smart double-quotes


Remove smart single-quotes



  1. These will be stored in vim's history, so cycle through them using the up/down arrow after entering command mode.
  2. Record a macro on the first page by pressing 'q' followed by any letter (name of macro); then press 'q' when finished recording; and use the macro by pressing '@' followed by the letter.

Apple Formatted Pages

Change </div><div> combinations to <br />

:%s/<\/div><div>/<br \/>/g

Break monolithic one line articles on <br /> tag

:%s/<br \/>/^M/g

Strip HTML tags


News Article Front Matter

sed -i '2d; 3s/./\L&/g; 4,8d; 9 i\article_author: \narticle_publication: ' */*/_posts/*.markdown