

A Jekyll, gulp and ES2015-ready boilerplate

Jekyll Babel Starter Kit

This is a boilerplate for static Jekyll sites with gulp for automation.

It includes webpack for JS bundling and ES2015 transforms, CSS injection and auto-reload with BrowserSync, and a bunch of other useful tasks.



  1. Install dependencies listed above
  2. Fork and clone this repo
  3. cd into the directory
  4. Run npm run setup to install other dependencies
  5. Run gulp serve to start the file watching!

Writing Posts

To add new drafts, add a file in the posts/_drafts directory that follows the naming convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary YAML front matter:

layout: post
title:  Example draft
date:   2017-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
categories: example
tags: example-tag

Once you're ready to publish this draft, move the file to posts/_posts.

Creating Pages

Create new pages in the root directory (or pretty much any subdirectory). The filename will form part of the URL.

Pages will need front matter as well, for example:

layout: default
title: Example Page
permalink: /examples/
nav: true

Only pages with nav set to true will appear in the top navigation. Easy.


This is automatically ready to deploy, so long as the gulp server has been running during development.

Built code lives in the _site directory. Deploy this to the prod branch with gulp deploy.