Personal web site based on the Jekyll Jalpc theme (discovered via Remi Gau & Tim Van Mourik)

Based on

Testing Locally

To test your site locally, you’ll need

- ruby
- the github-pages gem

Installing ruby

There are lots of different ways to install ruby.

In Mac OS X, older versions of ruby will already be installed. But I use the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) to have a more recent version. You could also use Homebrew.

In Windows, use RubyInstaller. (In most of this tutorial, I’ve assumed you’re using a Mac or some flavor of Unix. It’s possible that none of this was usable for Windows folks. Sorry!) Installing the github-pages gem

Run the following command:

gem install github-pages

This will install the github-pages gem and all dependencies (including jekyll). Later, to update the gem, type:

gem update github-pages

Testing your site locally

To construct and test your site locally, go into the directory and type

bundle exec jekyll serve

Now open your browser and go to http://localhost:4000/site-name/