

Vagrant file to get GitHub Pages/Jekyll up and running

##GitHub Pages/Jekyll Vagrant

A simple Vagrant file to build a Jekyll site aimed for GitHub Pages.

To get this running, you'll need clone the source of your Jekyll site into the src folder in this repository. On vagrant up, the src folder is automatically mapped to /home/vagrant/jekyll inside the VM and Jekyll will start automatically started pointed to that folder, listening on port 4000. Once running you can open a web browser in the host machine and point it to http://localhost:4000 to see your site. From there, use whatever tooling you want to modify the site from the host machine and the changes will automatically be reflected.

If you don't have a Jekyll site yet, and need to create one using jekyll new, start the machine. Once started, use vagrant ssh to SSH to the machine, run jekyll new jekyll.

Techy details on provision

On provision, it will download git and nodejs from apt-get. Then it will attempt to install Ruby using RVM. After that's all said and done, installs the github-pages Gem to get all the GitHub Pages dependencies including Jekyll.