

A GitHub pages automated framework for proposals

Proposals Jekyll Theme

⭐️ Welcome to Proposals Jekyll! ⭐️

This is a template and actions to help you to collaboratively work on things. With proposals-jekyll:

  1. New pull requests open on the repository are considered proposals.
  2. If you open a pull request that already has a PR for a proposal open it will not be allowed.
  3. A new or updated proposal will trigger a workflow to add the draft to the web interface
  4. Merging a pull request will add the draft as a final "approved" state, and remove from drafts, in which case it can be worked on further via PR.

This means that a proposal can move between draft and approved, and you can edit the environment of each of the associated workflows in .github/workflows to tweak these labels. Finally, if you decide that a draft should have some other state, you can add a label to the repository before merge to indicate that. As an example, let's say we have the following states:

  • in-review (draft)
  • graduated (merged and under development / approved)
  • incubating (being actively worked on but not graduated yet)
  • paused (not currently under development)

You can add a label to a pull request that has the prefix status- to indicate a different status, and instead of publishing the proposal as a draft we will publish it as your label. This also means that the pull request can remain open until you have decided it is graduated (merged) or requires a different state (update the label).

Closing or otherwise not continuing a pull request will not delete the last draft. We do this so that drafts stay accessible for someone else to pick up and work on if desired.

Read about #workflows, Working With Proposals, or How to setup a site next.

Quick Start

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Make changes to the _config.yaml and templates in docs
  3. Push to your branch and run the create-pages workflow
  4. Turn on GitHub pages in your settings
  5. Add a proposal via PR, and merge when it's done!

Working with Proposals

If you haven't created your site yet, see setup first.

How do I add a new proposal?

To submit a proposal, you will open a pull request to the repository.

  1. The markdown file should be added under proposals at the top level.
  2. The name of the file should correspond to the title, e.g., "Automated Container Builds" should be proposals/ Only lowercase letters, numbers, and - are allowed in the name.
  3. You should not write the title in the document - it will be added by the automation.
  4. You should not add any front end matter, as it will be automatically added.

Once you've prepared the markdown file, open a pull request to the repository. If you aren't a contributor, when the workflow is approved it will add the draft to the site as long as someone else isn't making changes to the same proposal. If this happens the automation will fail, and you should find the other pull request to work on collaboratively instead.

How do I update an existing proposal?

All proposals live in proposals on the main branch. When you want to edit an existing one, simply make changes and open another pull request. By way of having the same filename, the proposal on the site will be updated to return to a draft state. While you are working on the draft, the previous approved proposal (if applicable) will not be touched. The reason is because if you close the pull request we wouldn't want to alter or remove it.

How do I delete a proposal?

To delete a proposal, simple open a pull request to delete the file from the main branch. For the sake of caution it won't be deleted on the PR, but when it is merged into main. You can also ask the maintainer to manually delete the file from the branch in the UI, which might be easier.

What happens if close a pull request?

If your pull request created a draft, we delete the draft. We do not delete and previously approved version of the proposal.

What happens if two pull requests are working on the same file?

By default, we are only allowed one draft in progress at once. If you open a pull request and the draft is being worked on somewhere else, the PR will fail. You should thus check before you open a PR that there isn't already a draft in progress!


To enable the proposals collaboration automation we have the following workflows:

  1. on PR open, update file on gh-pages with draft state
  2. on PR close, if file not already in main, remove from gh-pages
  3. on PR merge, also update file on gh-pages with inprogress state

They are described in more detail below.

Open Pull Request to Create Draft

When you open a pull request, given that it's approved by a maintainer (or you are a contributor and don't need that) we run a workflow that finds new or changed files in the proposals directory of the main branch, and then adds them as drafts to the website. This means on GitHub Pages (gh-pages branch typically) we add them to _proposals/drafts and there is a draft tag included.

Close Pull Request to Clean Up

Not all changes go through, and this is ok! If you open a pull request and no longer want to work on the draft, we will remove the draft from the github pages.


1. Get the code

You can clone the repository right to where you want to host the docs:

git clone
cd proposal-jekyll

Note that we store the main interface under docs here.

2. Customize

To edit configuration values, customize the _config.yml. This includes details like the site title and basename, and colors. You'll also want to look at the deploy-approved.yaml and deploy-draft.yaml if you want to customize the tags used for drafts and approved, respectfully.

3. Deploy

You'll then want to trigger the dispatch event workflow that will take the docs folder and deploy on GitHub pages. We keep the two separate so proposals can go into main and via pull requests, and we can always update the pages site without merging anything.

4. Develop

Depending on how you installed jekyll, and this would be in docs or your cloned GitHub pages branch:

jekyll serve
# or
bundle exec jekyll serve

If you want to take the docs folder in the main branch and completely wipe your current template (start fresh) you can delete your gh-pages branch and then re-run the creation workflow. To update templates or similar, run the update workflow. Do both of these things with caution!