

commentcava is a comment system mostly for static websites (example Jekyll). You include a JS in your page. It gets & post comments on a PHP file (installed on your webserver) and saves comments in a SQLite database. It also contains a captcha to avoid flood.


what is commentcava?

commentçava is a multi-level comment system that can work in javascript for static websites (ie. Jekyll). It allows anonymous posting. Comments can shown a username and a url to a website in addition to the message. By default on the php server script, I uses a PDO SQlite database. To avoid flood, there is a captcha. It should work with multiple domains (crossdomains) too, but i haven't tested it.

SQlite database

SQlite database can be created with the install php script.

How to use it?

Look at the examples, they're quite easy to understand :) Feel free to ask if you're stuck.


commentcava provides a default css, but if you don't like it, make another one :).

Why create commentcava?

I started it for a friend (Schoewilliam) back in 2011, then told me i could reuse it. I created it so it is the simplest possible, sticks to 2 methods: 1) retrieve comments 2) post comments For security i added a captcha on the form to post a comment. I know some alternatives exists on the web, like jskomment, but i consider it is overkill to use it.

BONUS: what does commentcava means and how to pronounce?

the french «Comment ça va?» is the equivalent of the english «How are you?» I found this fun when searching for a name containing "comment".

How to pronounce it? Comment: /k?.mã/ ça : /sa/ va : /va/