

A Simple Jekyll Theme for Portfolios

layout: page title: README



Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "kh-portfolio", "~> 0.1.3"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: kh-portfolio

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kh-portfolio


Additional Layouts

  • archive displays posts in reverse chronological order, i.e the most recent posts are listed first.

  • portfolio displays the most recent projects whose show attribute is true.

  • project is a landing page for a project in your portfolio.


nav.html renders the main navigation used in the site.

powered-by.html renders the credits in the footer of the site.

social-media-connection-bar.html renders the social media icons in the footer.


This theme uses the Materialize frontend framework, Font Awesome, and Google Fonts. Theme styles are defined in _sass, assets/styles.scss, and assets/syntax.scss.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install.

  1. Clone the repository git clone

  2. Update the Gemfile in your Jekyll site with gem "kh-portfolio", :path => "<path to repo>"

  3. Run bundle exec jekyll serve and open your browser at http://localhost:4000. As you make modifications to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh. If you make changes to the theme you will need to restart the server.

When your theme is released, only the files in _layouts, _includes, and _sass tracked with Git will be released.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.