One theme for Jekyll

"One" is a Liquid theme for Jekyll, a simple, static blog-aware static site generator. It focuses on featuring a single-author blog layout. Focus on your writing and let Jekyll and One handle the rest!

Use it with Github Pages!



It is essential that you have these prerequisites installed to use this theme.

  • Git: the version control system (duh)
  • Ruby: the programming language
  • Jekyll: the simple static site generator written in Ruby


This theme is a side project. No fancy features and no bullshit. It shows only the most basic metadata a post has and nothing else. And of course, it exhibits the narcissistic you!

How to use this theme

First, learn and understand what Jekyll does. The rest should be as easy as simply cloning this repo.

cd /path/to/workspace/
git clone
cd jekyll-one-theme
jekyll serve

Jekyll would listen to port 4000 by default. Typically, if you're hosting this theme on your local machine, just visit http://localhost:4000 and your browser will bring you to your page showing the theme.

If you face any problems when using the jekyll command, try referring to the prerequisites mentioned above.

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