

Our community website. Hosted on GitHub Pages, powered by Jekyll


This is the source code behind [wncc-iitb.org][], the community website for Web and Coding Club, IIT Bombay.
[wncc-iitb.org]: http://wncc-iitb.org/

What makes the website unique is that it is maintained by the entire community and not just the admin group of the club.

Being a club focussed on programming, we felt the best way to develop a collaborative and well maintained website is by allowing people to add content as and when necessary. But there is a twist, we add content via sending pull requests.

Its a strange way to add content, isn't it? But you are a dev right? Pull Requests should be a breeze.

Not exactly familiar with using github?

Once you feel quite familiar with creating/sending a pull request, check out the wiki for adding various types of content, namely: Community Hacks, Resources.

The most frequent zone where you will add content will be Community Hack. The community hack-wiki gives more specific details on adding your own hack.

Once your pull request is merged, it will be reflected directly on [wncc-iitb.org][]. We've implemented post-receive hook for this! If you're in WnCC team and have push rights to the repo, contact hiraysushant@gmail.com for configuring post-update hook on your local repo.

Still confused? Shoot a mailto: hiraysushant@gmail.com or manishsmail@gmail.com

Kudos to Social Coding!

Cheers! ~ Team WnCC

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