

Jekyll plugin which generates tables of contents

Jekyll Table of Contents Generator

This is a Jekyll plugin which generates Tables of Contents.


Drop table_of_contents_generator.rb in the plugins directory to your plugins directory, which is usually _plugins.


First, specify the directories you need to generate a Table of Contents for in _config.yml by specifying dirs entry under table_of_contents. For example, if you want to generate a table of contents for directories my_book_a and my_book_b, simply add the following lines to your _config.yml file:

    dirs: [my_book_a, my_book_b]

Then you need to add a layout for table of contents pages. Create a file named table_of_contents.html under _layouts directory. For example, with the following lines you will have a list of titles in the Table of Contents page:

layout: page
title: Table of Contents
{% for item in page.table_of_contents %}
  <li><a href="{{ item.table_of_contents.url }}">{{ item.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

From the above example you may notice that the variable page.table_of_contents contains all the information of pages in the directory for which you want to generate a table of contents. This plugin also add a variable table_of_contents.url to each page in order to be accessible to the URLs of the pages in the "table of contents" layout.

OK, then jekyll should generate the table of contents as index.html at the roots of the directories which you specified to generate. Run jekyll serve (For Jekyll version before 1.0.0, run jekyll --server) and visit http://localhost:4000/dir_table_of_contents_is_generated to checkout your table of contents pages!

For a complete example, you could check out the test directory: spec/test/.

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