

A simple gem to take a column of blog entry HTML, convert it to markdown, and set up a static jekyll page for the blog over a static site


Note, this is a WIP


A lot of people run a blog backed by a relational database. Often, the rendered HTML of this code is easily accessible. This is a gem that strives to take that, and with a single operatoin create a jekyll page, removing the need for a database from your blog, and allowing you to adopt the wonderful way of life that is markdown and Vi for all blogging desires.


Currently the usage is as follows: With the gem installed, open up your rails console, and with the Model you use for your blog posts, run:


This will do a few things:

  1. Create a _posts directory in the current dir
  2. Take all posts, as well as the field 'html' and 'title' (assigned as an attr_accessible on the model) received
  3. Convert the HTML to markdown
  4. Write a title.md file of the converted markdown in _posts
  5. Create a boilerplate jekyll page
  6. Move created posts to jekyll's posts directory

And boom, now you have a jekyll blog inside the rails project that is easily extracted.