Jekyll Bulma Tabs Plugin

This is a Jekyll tags plugin to add bulma style tabs to the GitHub pages along with the bulma-clean-theme.

This plugin was created based on the Jekyll Tabs plugin. Like the Jekyll Tabs does, Jekyll Bulma Tabs has features:

  • works with multiple tab panels on the same page
  • doesn't require a specific JavaScript framework



Add the plugin in the Jekyll GitHub pages Gemfile.

group :jekyll_plugins do
  # ... other gems
  gem "jekyll-bulma-tabs"

Also, add the plugin in the Jekyll Github pages _config.yml.

  - jekyll-bulma-tabs

Run the command below to install the plugin.

bundle install

JavaScript and CSS

Copy JavaScript and CSS files to the Jekyll Github pages public directory. In general, the places are assets/js and assets/css.

Add tabs.js and tabs.css to GitHub pages' header/footer area. Exactly what file depends on how the GitHub pages are created. For example, if the theme is bulma-clean-theme, the tabs.js goes to _includes/footer-scripts.html while the tabs.css goes to _includes/head.html.


  • _includes/footer-scripts.html
    <script src="{{ "/assets/js/tabs.js" | prepend: site.baseurl }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • _includes/head.html
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/css/tabs.css">



The markup looks like below:

{% tabs data-struct is-centered is-boxed %}

{% tab data-struct yaml %}
  - 'whatsup'
  - 'hi'
{% endtab %}

{% tab data-struct json %}
    "hello": ["whatsup", "hi"]
{% endtab %}

{% endtabs %}


The syntax is:

{% tabs tabs-group-id bulma-tabs-options %}
{% tab tabs-group-id tab-title-1 %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab tabs-group-id tab-title-2 %}
{% endtab %}
{% endtabs %}
  • tabs-group-id: (mandate) The id of tabs group and used to switch contents.
  • bulma-tabs-options: (optional) Among the bulma tabs styling options, those used with tabs class are supported such as is-centered or is-boxed.
  • tab-title: (mandate) The title appears in the tab.
  • contents: (mandate) The contents tied to the tab title.

Usage Example


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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