Sci blog is jekyll theme created by Air Raya.
Unless otherwise noted, this theme is released under MIT licence.
Thank you so much for providing free resources and inspirations
To use this template, you can download it here. To install jekyll and this theme
or command promptC:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog>
to downloadadd ruby executables to your PATH
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog\gem install jekyll
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog\jekyll new my-awesome-site
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog>cd my-awesome-site
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog\my-awesome-site>jekyll serve
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog>
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog>gem install jekyll-paginate
C:\Users\my pc\desktop\blog>jekyll serve
Have a bug or an issue with this template? Please contact our team or fork and contribute.
Sci blog theme was created by and is maintained by Air Raya, at Air Raya.
Copyright 2015 AIR RAYA GROUP. The work is licenced under MIT license.