
This project is meant for those looking to migrate a Jekyll- (or Octopress-) based blog to the Medium platform.

Medium currently only accepts Wordpress XML (sample XML) when importing a blog, so this plugin will shove your entire blog into a Wordpress XML, which is suitable for import into Medium.


Just put the export.xml file in your root jekyll directory (the same directory where you have your index.html).

Installation Requirements

  • Replace the front matter in export.xml with your own details, instead of the Foo Bar stuff
  • Make sure your site_root does not have a trailing slash.
  • To ensure images in your posts make the transition, ensure all src tags have absolute URLs (eg. instead of /img/img1.jpg)
    • Alternatively, if you don't want to change anything in your _posts dir, you could modify the {{ post.content }} in the export.xml to be something like {{ post.content | replace: '/img/', '' }}.


After the file is present, re-build your Jekyll site (jekyll build), and you will then have an export.xml file in your site's root (the _site folder). Use this file to import into Medium.

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