

A dead simple minimal theme for Jekyll


A minimal theme for Jekyll

click the image to preview the theme in your browser


There isn't much detail in this guide, it assumes the user has expirence with Jekyll and setting up themes. Please see or gain some experience somehow.

Add this to your site's _config.yml:

permalink: /:title/
paginate: 10 # how many posts on a page
remote_theme: EthanMcBloxxer/jekyll-theme-writeas@main
  - jekyll-remote-theme
  - jekyll-paginate

and to your site's index.html (not

layout: home


Add posts into a directory called _posts. See examples in the demo branch.

Custom Front Matter

To pin a post, please add this to your post's front matter:

pinned: true
hidden: true # this will remove it from pagination


There isn't a primary page.html layout file for pages. Just make a file in / and give it layout: post. That should hopefully suffice.


Inside your site's _config.yml, the following keys are supported:

# please replace the part after the colon (:) with what you want to be displayed

## MAIN ##
title: "EthanMcBloxxer" # title of blog or your name
subtitle: "Creator of Writeas.Jekyll" # subtitle of blog or your position / minbio
  about: /about/
  contact: mailto:[email protected]
  rss: /feed.xml
credit: true # show a footer "published with jekyll-theme-writeas" (only on posts)

## FONTS ##
serif: true # use a serif font (Lora) instead of sans-serif (Open Sans); "monospace" is also supported

paginate_path: "/page/:num/" # page 2 would be served at /page/2/
older_text: false # text to be displayed for older posts nav
newer_text: false # text to be displayed for newer posts nav

## COLORS ##
background: "#f5f5f5" # page background color in HEX
text: "#111" # text color in HEX
accent: "#777" # text accent (subtitles, read more, etc) in HEX
link: "#9f9fff" # link color in HEX
code: "#586e75" # default code color in HEX

you can add the setup code shown at the beginning above or below all of those keys.

Dark Mode

I've created a good set of color keys to use with your _config.yml if you want your site in dark:

background: "#202325"
text: "#dadad9"
accent: "#dadad9"
link: "#139ee0"
code: "#cccccc"


If you need an RSS Feed, then you can make a new file called feed.xml (or whatever you want) with the following content:

layout: rss
title: RSS Feed Title
limit: 20 # how many posts to limit the feed to

then, if you'd like, you can reflect that in your links key inside of _config.yml.

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