

Hugo port of the Sidey theme for Jekyll


This is a Hugo port of the sidey theme from Ronalds Vilciņš.

To make the built-in lunr-based search functionality work, follow these steps.

Configure JSON index

In your Hugo configuration, enable the JSON output format for /index.json using something like the following (this example uses TOML):

    baseName = "index"
    mediaType = "application/json"

home = ["HTML", "SearchIndex"]

Create search page

Create at the root of your content folder with these contents:

title: Search this site

# Search

<div id="search-container">
  <form id="search-form" action="{{< ref "/search" >}}">
    <input name="q" id="search-input" type="text" class="search_input search-query ui-autocomplete-input" placeholder="Search notes" autocomplete="off">

<template id="search-result" hidden>
  <article class="content post">
    <h3 class="search-result-title"><a class="search-result-title-ref"></a></h2>
    <summary class="search-result-summary"></summary>

<div id="search-results-container"></div>

This will make the search page available at /search.