Modern Material

A modern Material Design theme based on Material Design Components. Demo:

Key features

Can create pages that filter by tag by following the schema in projects.html.

<div class="posts-list">
        {% for post in site.posts %}
        {% if post.categories contains "projects" %}
            {% include post_preview.html %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

To show an item in the menu set the active tag with the name you prefer.


In order to have the material design stylesheet with custom colors it is necessary to manually build the CSS file using dart-sass. First install the required dependencies using

npm install

Then edit the colors as you wish in material_config.scss.

Build the file using dart-sass and store it in Jekyll's assets.

node_modules/.bin/sass -I node_modules -s compressed material_config.scss > assets/css/material.css

Now if you already have bundler installed you should be able to get all the required dependencies for Jekyll with

bundler install

To test your website locally simply run:

bundle exec jekyll serve --host=

To build your website

bundle exec jekyll build

Your built website is now ready in the _site folder. Remember to set the correct url and host parameters before building.

Customizing CSS

You can add custom CSS elements in _sass/main.scss.

Customizing header images

To customize the headers in the about page and add your own image go into assets/css/imgs

Enabling analyics

Modify _includes/analytics.js with your cookie ID and se analytics: "true" in _config.yml

Found an Issue or have a suggestions?

Either email me or use the Issues pages, I can't troubleshoot everything myself after all.

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