

A simple and static landing page template for App Store and Google Play apps 📱

Dualog App landing page

A simple and static landing page template for apps using Jekyll, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, Sass and GitHub Pages.

Getting started

Fork the repo and edit _config.yml and then activate GitHub Pages in the repo settings. This project depends on Ruby and github-pages gem.

1. Installing Ruby and dependencies:

For Windows (using Chocolatey package manager):

$ choco install ruby

For macOS (using Homebrew package manager):

$ brew install ruby

For Ubuntu (using apt):

$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full

After installing please verify the version by running:

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x64-mingw32] 

Life should be great right now, install the project dependencies

$ gem install github-pages

2. Running the project

Clone the forked repository to your computer

$ git clone
$ cd landingpage-apps
$ jekyll serve

The site should now be served on http://localhost:4000 and it should be listening for changes in your markup.

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