

It's not just a Jekyll theme, it's a statement.

H4ck3r Th3m3

H4ck3r Th3m3 is a cutting-edge Jekyll theme designed for cybersecurity enthusiasts, ethical hackers, and tech aficionados. It embodies the spirit of the digital underground, immersing visitors in a world of code, security, and digital exploration.


  • Gl1tch Eff3ct: Unique text distortion for an authentic hacker aesthetic
  • D4rk M0de: Eye-friendly interface optimized for late-night coding sessions
  • Resp0nsive L4yout: Seamless experience across all devices
  • Customizable Components: Easily modify colors, layouts, and features


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies
  3. Run the development server


  1. Create posts in the _posts directory.
  2. Create pages as needed.
  3. Customize the theme by modifying _sass files.
  4. Use included layouts: default, home, page, post, and project.


  • Modify color scheme in _sass/_variables.scss
  • Add custom CSS in assets/css/main.scss
  • Extend functionality with JavaScript in assets/js/script.js


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/IAmWilliamHames/h4ck3r-th3m3.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


H4ck3r Th3m3 was created by @IAmWilliamHames and is maintained by the open-source community.