

A Jekyll repo ideal for turning into a wiki

Jekyll Wiki

Nope, this isn't a wiki about Jekyll -- it's a repo using Jekyll to generate a wiki (based on the Digital Garden Jekyll Template). To fork your own wiki from this example, change the baseurl and url to your own hosting solution in _config.yml, and change the edit_base_url there to your version control. Then fill out the /_wiki/ folder with your words.


  • GitHub Pages out of the box
  • Write your wiki in MarkDown
  • Navigate the wiki on static site or from GitHub itself -- links get converted
  • Link previews on hover
  • Instant search, surfacing page titles and content
  • Sidebar has list of every page that links here
  • Random-page button
  • Edit button, to edit page on GitHub
  • 404 page has link to create the file
  • Site map of all pages (non-standard format -- for humans)

You may choose to enable a plugin that colours links to nonexistent files red, in _config.yml, but take heed that the plugin may not be particularly stable.


You can see a demo of the site here.


Make sure filenames are in snake-case and have no other punctuation. For links, use the format [link text](/_wiki/ including the leading slash, to ensure links work on both GitHub's file previewer and the static site itself.