Built with Bootstrap 4
is unused, or change the line 4000:4000
to {your_desired_port}:4000
in docker-compose.yml
into the repo and run docker compose up
. You may also need to try docker-compose up
or give sudo
access depending on your platform.localhost:4000
. (localhost:{your_desired_port}
if you changed the port in docker-compose.yml
.)Note: we used github pages during site construction, that is being discontinued henceforth (since deployment to permanent server) due to issues with baseurl and _config.yml
bundle exec jekyll serve
. See jekyll docs for more details.localhost:4000/
(by default)As of now, we're employing a very rudimentary deployment system, essentially scp-ing the built site into the server.
The basic steps are highlighted hence:
Suggestions welcome
git clone git://github.com/<your_username>/website_2019.git
for forks. If you have master access, use git clone git://github.com/IIIT-ECell/website_2019.git
)cd website_2019/
)git remote add upstream git://github.com/IIIT-ECell/website_2019.git
) (for forks).git checkout -b 404-new-feature
)git add <file(s)>; git commit -m 'a nice commit message'
)git fetch upstream
) (for those with master access, fetch origin)git checkout master; git merge upstream/master
)git checkout 404-new-feature; git rebase master
)git push origin 404-new-feature
)git push <remote> <branch> --force
to send the new commits to your branch, which also updates your pull request on GitHub.git checkout master; git pull upstream master
)NOTE: if git:// doesn't work for you, try using https://
After you set up the repo locally, run npm install
npm run dist
to build the site. It alsonpm run deploy
to build the site and deploy it to ecell server [you must have your ssh keys on the server for this]// Reference: http://lea.verou.me/2011/10/easily-keep-gh-pages-in-sync-with-master/
$ git add .
$ git status // to see what changes are going to be commited
$ git commit -m 'Some descriptive commit message'
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout gh-pages // go to the gh-pages branch
$ git rebase master // bring gh-pages up to date with master
$ git push origin gh-pages // commit the changes
$ git checkout master // return to the master branch
Main changes are incorporated from branches into master, then into gh-pages. Ideally.