⚠️ This repository has been moved!

This repository has been moved to new address.
The code located here will no longer be updated and may not work!


My personal blog build on Jekyll

🚀 Features

  • 🏷️ Custom categories for posts
  • 📝 Built-in comments [Github PR]
  • 🌃 Light/Dark theme
  • 🌐 Custom pathes for posts
  • ⛔ Capatcha to fight spam-bots
  • 📶 RRS Feed
  • ✨ Built-in recommended posts section

🧱 Development

  1. Fill _config.yml with your values
    • For captcha keys go to Google ReCaptcha create new site and get your site key and secret key. Then encrypt the values using https://api-igorkowalczyk.herokuapp.com/v2/encrypt/[YOUR-TEXT-TO-ENCRYPT] api.
    • For site verification token go to Google Search Console and get your html tag key.
  2. Delete all files under _data/comments and _posts directories.
  3. Add first posts by adding new file with .md extension to _posts directory.
    • Post file syntax: ```

layout: post title: "Post Title" author: "Post Author" categories: categories list comments: true/false

Post content (Markdown)

5. Set-up the page by running `bundle install`.
6. Host this site locally by running `bundle exec jekyll serve`. Your site will be hosted under http://localhost:4000.

### ❌ Issues
If you have any issues with the project or you found a bug please create [new issue here](https://github.com/igorkowalczyk/blog/issues)

### 📝 Pull Requests
When submitting a pull request:

- Clone the repo.
- Create a branch off of master and give it a meaningful name (e.g. my-awesome-new-feature).
- Open a [pull request](https://github.com/igorkowalczyk/blog/pulls) on [GitHub](https://github.com) and describe the feature or fix.

## 📃 License
This project is licensed under the MIT. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/igorkowalczyk/blog/blob/master/license.md) file for details
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