

Final build of the Jekyll blog that will be featured in Maxx-Undiscovered Tutorial


This website is intended to demonstrate the implementation/usage of Jekyll to simplify the website building process.

By using Jekyll's build in Liquid Syntax, templating becomes a breeze. Jekyll's blogging engine also allows for easy uploading of new files to a blog once it has been set up.

For layout, I am using's Blog Home template and their Blog Post template. This allowed me to remove my focus from design and instead focus on the core implementation of jekyll within the site.

For the sample content, I have borrowed the copyright-free content from Leo Babauta's blog, This blog was excellent for borrowing content for a few reasons:

This meant that I was free to reproduce, repost, and modify the content however I choose.

It has a good blend of minimal blogging and tasteful use of blog elements

Some of these elements include blockquotes, bold text, numbered and bulleted lists, and headings.

Posts are a good length

They are long enough to fill up a page without being so lengthy that they become an eyesore.

Bonus: Some of the blogs are super interesting!