

BreweryWebsite uses Bootstrap, Jekyll, & Velocity.js to create a static site for Redstitch's Coding Challenge


This is the code for the "Coding Challenge @Redstitch" by Jeremy Seibert


The attached files demonstrate the construction of the aformentioned site, as per the guidelines listed in the coding challenge. This has been an awesome test of my abilities working with front-end web development.

Brief Bio

For those @Redstitch reviewing my project, I'd like to make a brief personal pitch.

I am an iOS Developer & a Data Scientist, by trade, but dabble in several other technical areas, Front-end Development being one of those. Several months ago, myself and several others started up a project called Loop, in an attempt to create an application that connected us to the places around us. In that attempt I met a lot of passionate people in our community. We met people in the Evansville Design Group, GAGE, & were even in the "E is for Everyone Campaign". I am now in the process of finding another awesome development team to become a part of.



open terminal

cd BreweryWebsite into the Repository

run Jekyll Serve to view the site locally -> probably @ ""

open Browser & Run


That said, this was a super fun project to work on. There were several pieces that I was still attempting to figure out, which I am sure I would have given a larger timeframe.