This Portfolio is a compilation of all the Data Science and Data Analysis projects I have done for academic, self-learning and hobby purposes.


Hello and welcome !

Hi! My name is Jermaine. Thank You for taking the time to view my GitHub Profile :smile:

About Me

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning, AI, Neural Networks and MAchine Learning

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Projects, blogs on DS, ML, AI.

  • 💬 Please feel free to contact me with any opportunities: email

My Qualifications

Certificates and Academic transcripts

Microsoft T-SQL Certification

My Projects

Final college Data Science project:

This project/Report covers: Statistical analysis, PowerBI reporting and app deployment, Python DML. All Scenarios, code and data source infomation are included in the report.

Tools used: PowerBi, Pandas, statistical methods.

Personal projects:

Credit Fraud Detection: Prediction/Analysis: Model that predicts transactional credit fraud by utilizing machine learning techniques.

Tools used: pandas, numpy, nltk, sklearn, seaborn, matplotlib

Stock Market Analysis for Tech Stocks: Analysis of technology stocks including change in price over time, daily returns, and stock behaviour prediction.

Tools used: Pandas, Folium, Seaborn and Matplotlib

Loan Dataset - Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA): Exploratory Analysis of the Prosper Loans company loan data using Pandas and Seaborn visualisations. Tools used: Pandas, Seaborn and Matplotlib

Titanic Dataset - Exploratory Analysis: Exploratory Analysis of the passengers onboard RMS Titanic using Pandas and Seaborn visualisations.

Tools used: Pandas, Folium, Seaborn and Matplotlib

Unsupervised Learning: Creating Customer Segments: Analyzing a dataset containing data on various customers' annual spending amounts (reported in monetary units) of diverse product categories for discovering internal structure, patterns and knowledge.

Tools used: scikit-learn, Pandas, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pygame

Simple COVID-19 Self screening program using python: The programme will tell if someone has COVID-19 or not, based on a number of preset questions

Mini Project

ML with Logistic Regressions-IN PROGRESS: Using Logistic Regression to predict whether an internet user clicked an ad or not.


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