Liberxue blog for lightweight Jekyll themes 轻量级自适应 简洁 卡片式博客主题 3秒搞定GitHub blog

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                      Copyright (c) 2016-2018 liberxue
                preview (demo) (

Jekyll Themes


Lightweight Minimalist Jekyll blog

The first step is to click [fork][]

The second step is to modify the _config.yml in URL for your domain name

OK all right, it's that simple

  • Automatic generation tag
  • Automatic generation of JSON search
  • Adaptive template
  • Automatic generation of feed.xml
  • Automatic paging generation
  • Modify _config.yml's links for your menu
  • Modify the _config.yml of paginate for how many pages you want to page

    Stargazers over time

1.First step Clickfork

2. modify _config.yml url URL for your domain

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